• A “Mentor” is a greek name that has been adopted in English as a term meaning “someone who imparts wisdom to and shares knowledge with a less experienced colleague” in a specific area.
  • Mentorship is a two-way process that requires an incredibly high level of Trust and effective communication. Effective mentors ask questions to guide their mentee to the answer – they do not “tell”.
  • Mentors listen, hear and do not provide answers to all questions…. They often ask questions that propel critical thinking in others
  • Mentees do not look up to Mentor for answer to all questions... They give deep thought to Mentor’s questions

Some important roles of an effective Mentor include but are not limited to:

  • Develop and manage the mentoring relationship... Initially, this involves assessing your own readiness and interest, selecting someone to mentor and getting to know each other. Over time, it means working to build trust, set goals and keep the mentoring relationship on track.
  • Sponsor… Opening doors and advocating for your mentee can allow her to develop new skills and gain meaningful visibility.
  • Guide and counsel... You may serve as a confidant, sounding-board and personal advisor to your mentee, especially as the relationship grows deeper over time. You may help your mentee understand conflict or explore ways to deal with problems.
  • Teach... Many mentors enjoy the teaching aspects of mentoring, which mean not only imparting their knowledge but also sharing their experiences and recommending assignments.
  • Motivate and inspire... Mentors support, validate and encourage their mentees. When you help your mentees link their own goals, values and emotions to the larger organizational agenda, they become more engaged in their work and in their own development.
    Effective mentors ask questions to guide their mentee to the answer – they do not “tell - Doug Lawrence